Solar Shades
Keep your furniture safe from harmful UV rays without sacrifing the view outside your home. Solar shades reduce heat and glare, making them a necessary addition to any room or enclosed patio.

Greater Outdoor
Solar shades improve outdoor enjoyment by blocking sunlight at inopportune times. Create your own shade whenever you wish and enjoy a BBQ with friends.
Shade at
Your Fingertips
Solar shades can be installed with a motor to control or automate how much shade you receive. Optimal controls can be set varying on levels of sun, wind, and rain for further convenience.

Expanding Your
Outdoor Space
Increasing outdoor living area not only adds value to a home, but an extra space for hosting a variety of activities.
Block the Sun,
Keep Your View
We offer a variety of solar shades materials for screens. Materials come in a variety of colors and densities to match your preference.